TUTORING – This program is for school children who are currently involved in English exams. There are 2 groups (5th and 6th class) for 'Gymnasium' school available, where the English grammar is explained and clarified in a simple manner. Pupils will also be taught to manage exams and to improve on results. More groups for other classes and school system can be set-up based on demand. The maximum group size is 6.
For senior year school children, private tutoring is available in managing upper level English oral and written exams (M-Zug, Mittlere-Reife, FOS, Abitur).
Please call for appointments.
READING SESSIONS – This program is designed to prepare school children 7th class and above for written and oral exams required. This is accomplished through reading sessions where the results of understanding written text dramatically increase speaking and comprehending skills. These groups (intermediate and advance) will meet every second week to read a book together and to engage in discussions and analysis. This is an extremely important area for upper level English exams (M-Zug, Mittlere-Reife, FOS, Abitur) where verbal communication and reading comprehension play a major role.